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Symposium of Artists and Scholars 2021

Category Archives: Oral Presentation

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Rodrigo Amestegui ‘21, Algorithmic Agency

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Rabiea Ashraf ‘21, Dwelling- A continuous path towards belonging

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Devin Bagby ‘21, Sexism in Sport: A Review of Social Media Comments

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Emilie Bryant ‘22, Yarning for Unity: Unifying Communities through Public Art Initiatives

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Joshua Bulavko ‘22, History and Historic Preservation of Rivermont Avenue and Beyond

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Tyler Campbell ‘21, Robotization of the Randolph College Winfree Observatory

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Cassidy Carter ‘21, Elijah Harrison ‘21, Let It Go: Children’s Interpretation of Song Lyrics in a Multimedia Context

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KeAsia Carter ‘21, ’Hey Social! Let’s Get Emotional, Social-Emotional’: Is Social-Emotional Learning Effective?

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Jordan Clark, M.A.T. ‘21, Special Education in a COVID World: A Students’ Perspective on Their Learning Environment

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