Category Archives: Education
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KeAsia Carter ‘21, ’Hey Social! Let’s Get Emotional, Social-Emotional’: Is Social-Emotional Learning Effective?
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Jordan Clark, M.A.T. ‘21, Special Education in a COVID World: A Students’ Perspective on Their Learning Environment
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Christine Dorman, M.A.T. ‘21, Does It Add Up? Pandemic Effects on Middle School Math Achievement
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Landon Fielder M.A.T. ‘21, ’I don’t study to know more, but to ignore less:’ Setting Students up for a Bilingual Success Story
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Carter Garrett M.A.T. ‘21, Into the Unknown: Supporting First-Year Teachers from Various Preparation Backgrounds
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Jackson Jacobs M.A.T. ‘21, Special Educators’ Responsibilities Versus Priorities: ‘I’ll Make Time’
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Sabrina Johnson ‘21, Deeper Learning: How do elementary mathematics and science teachers acquire strategies and content knowledge to promote student success?
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Sabrina Johnson ‘21, Teach it, But How? Teachers’ Changed Perceptions of Online Teaching during the Pandemic
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Erika Mabry, M.A.T. ‘21, Rise and Shine: The Use of Movement Breaks to Improve Student Achievement
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